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Andrew L. Butts

Firearms Evals

Andrew Butts has served as a soldier in the Army National Guard and also served as a correctional officer in Montana, and recently retired from a federal law enforcement agency. Butts currently holds an Expert classification in IDPA and an A classification in USPSA in both Limited and Single Stack Divisions.

Contact Andrew Butts

Glock’s Model 19 and 23 have dominated the mid-size pistol market, but Smith clearly intends to move in with this new pistol
The LCP II is the second generation of the concealment classic
Ruger has just launched a new handgun with the hope that it will return this manufacturer to its former standing as an essential police sidearm
As expected, the new VP40 was accurate and reliable, as we have come to expect from all HK firearms
Firearms, like automobiles, have a finite lifespan that can be drastically shortened without proper preventive care
How should officers choose the vest that best meets their professional needs? Consider these criteria
The VP9 is a smooth transition from previous HK models
Unlike most lights currently mounted to most patrol rifles, the Inforce WML was designed from the start for use on a rifle, not as a handheld light or a light to be mounted to a pistol
New Relia-Bolt promises to improve rifle design weaknesses
The Tavor is one of the most anticipated rifles since the end of the assault weapons ban