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The Firearm Blog

The Firearm Blog is a news site dedicated to all things firearms related. TFB covers top stories in the firearms industry. TFB staff writers share a passion for firearms but come from a diverse background, stretching from the world of law enforcement to being deployed on the streets of Fallujah, Iraq to the woods hunting wild game.

For the latest Police1 firearms product articles, check out a modern duty pistol for small cops, 10 families of great concealed carry firearms and our review of rail-mounted lights and lasers.

Ready positions provide a clear and safe path to a target and provide an unobstructed angle of attack
This chart is almost guaranteed to help you whittle down your choices in terms of efficiency and size
It’s not safe to hope for the best without preparing for the worst. Stay sharp, in shape and entertained
There are pros and cons to shooting competitively for concealed carry practice
This is a tough choice for any shooter, since rifles are more customization than your average handgun
A taller mount is best for use with helmet-worn night vision devices
When carrying a gun daily it’s easy to get caught up in what gun is the best, but we sometimes forget to think about our ammunition
We’ve got rifles, pistols, and shotguns from big names
These boomers aren’t just for boomers!
James Reeves discusses how the guns in the game compare to their real-life counterparts