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Vandal wanted for slashing NYPD tires is arrested while reporting his car was stolen

74-year-old man nabbed wearing the same clothes in surveillance video from outside the 112th precinct


Howard Simmons

By Rocco Parascandola
New York Daily News

NEW YORK — A vandal wanted for slashing tires on seven NYPD vehicles outside a Queens stationhouse returned to the scene of the crime two days later to report his own car stolen — and was arrested, police said Monday.

Jose Patino, 74, was wearing the same clothes Sunday as he was two days earlier when he allegedly struck outside the 112th Precinct stationhouse on Austin St. near Yellowstone Blvd. in Forest Hills, police said.

He punctured one tire each on four marked NYPD vehicles and three unmarked about 7 a.m., authorities say.

Police at the time said the suspect — clad in a brown hat, multi-colored jacked and black pants — hopped into a beige SUV and drove off. Cops even released surveillance footage Friday of the suspect and asked the public’s help identifying him.

When Patino showed up Sunday to report his own vehicle stolen, cops recognized him from the surveillance video and questioned him about the tire slashings, leading him to confess, police said.

Patino, who cops say lives in Bushwick, Brooklyn, was charged with criminal mischief. He has no prior arrests, police said, and it wasn’t clear why he committed the vandalism.

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