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Man charged with 11 felonies in 9 hours

Police said spree happened on a layover during a Greyhound bus trip


William Todd arrived in Nashville, broke into a haunted house attraction, stole weapons, pistol-whipped a person and more.

Metro Nashville Police Department Image


NASHVILLE — Nashville police have charged a man with 11 felonies for an alleged 9-hour crime spree that included breaking and entering, theft and assault.

William Todd could face more charges for a slew of crimes he allegedly committed Monday while on a layover during a Greyhound bus trip, said city police Sgt. Tony Blackburn.

“He was just on a terror. I’ve never seen anything like this before,” he told WSMV-TV, Nashville.

Todd allegedly arrived in Nashville, broke into a haunted house attraction, stole a stun gun, revolver and shotgun, and set the business on fire. Police allege he then held up four people outside a bar, using the stun gun on one, pistol whipping another, and stealing cash and credit cards.

Todd then allegedly carjacked a cab and headed to a Walmart to purchase $199 worth of items, Blackburn said.

The next stop for Todd was a law office where he allegedly broke in, ransacked the business, and defecated on a desk and some framed law degrees. He then allegedly knocked on several hotel room doors pretending to be a housekeeper and stealing $600 from a couple at gunpoint.

Police said Todd crashed the stolen cab, hailed a new one and held the driver up at knife-point. Authorities caught up with the suspect at Opryland where he was hiding atop a building in a water-cooling vat.

Police said Todd is also wanted in Kentucky.

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