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A Texas LEO shares how he went from weighing more than 400 pounds to running 5 miles a day
Follow these tips to boost your willpower and automate your healthy eating success
Choose great-tasting and heart-healthy snacks on-duty
Take steps to defend personnel against exposure and infection on the job in order to avoid expensive lost time and medical costs
Mikeal Tordsen is sanctioned to also serve as a paramedic while on duty as a police officer after proposing a unique partnership between his two employers
Maintain a professional appearance, save time and reduce wear and tear on your gear by eliminating odors with an ozone treatment
Decontaminate cruisers, clothing and other equipment to promote officer health and safety
The BDAS+ from Decon7 provides a tool to help officers reduce potential exposure to infectious diseases and dangerous narcotics like fentanyl
Do you know what to do to protect yourself after a suspect vomits in the back of your cruiser? Take our 5-minute quiz to find out.
When the explosion happened, Chief Mike Diebold thought it was the end of his life, but after six months of recovery, he intends to go back to work
Deputy James Wallace, 61, of Augusta, was on duty when he suffered a heart attack
Following on White House special commission recommendations, Trump announces a national public health emergency for the national opioid emergency
These exercises will help you maintain the physical fitness you need to do your job
Submit your safety or wellness program to NLEOMF’s Destination Zero innovative program that encourages and supports peace officer wellness
The in-ear headset provides comfortable situational awareness and hearing protection
A great deal of emphasis is placed on armor for police officers’ bodies and helmets for head protection, but hearing and eye protection are sometimes ignored
Situations can cause immense levels of stress and, over the years, can take a significant toll on an officer’s physical and mental well-being
Yoga allows people to increase their ability to focus and problem-solve, gives them heightened situational awareness, and helps them make intelligent gut reactions to situations
Officers must accept that stress is taking a toll on their lives so they can take steps to mediate and reduce the adverse effects it has on them and their families
The Blast Gauge System takes the guesswork out of determining minimum safe distance for SWAT stacks
The Blast Gauge System provides critical information about blast overpressure to help reduce the risk of traumatic brain injury
Blast exposure is an occupational hazard for tactical officers, and it’s important to know the risks and take steps to address them
Off-duty fitness training is essential for on-duty success. These events are some of the best.
A recent study shows most LEOs are working over 1,000 hours of overtime each year. What are the effects of fatigue, both on and off the job?
Protect yourself against heat-related illness on the job by recognizing the risks and taking a few basic precautions
Overexertion is a major issue for police officers – refer to this infographic to identify these serious warning signs.
A department is searching for answers as to why their K-9 has suddenly become ill and asking public’s help
Program seeks to design and implement a treatment model for police officers, firefighters and military vets
If an officer fails the department’s physical requirement test, they receive training to get in shape
An FBI spokesman declined to comment on whether investigators were pursuing mental health records for suspect
A department is trying to help its own officer fighting a deadly cancer
One officer creates murals as peaceful protest