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Considering a career in law enforcement? This is what you can expect to learn in the police academy
Lincoln, Nebraska has lots to offer both new officers and those open to relocating
Our expert panel discusses key insights from Police1’s State of the Industry survey on the impact of short staffing, mass retirements and lateral transfers
By combining salary and cost of living, Police1 has targeted the 10 best states for police officers
Success or failure in the police assessment center can make or break your career — being prepared will help you ace the assessment
Manatee County Sheriff says manpower is dangerously low
After previous recruitment attempts had limited success, agency is stepping up its efforts to increase the share of women who work as agents
The city started the random tests for its highest-ranking officers a few months ago. It’s the first time it has done so
After the detective tested positive for cocaine, he insisted that the drug had been unwittingly absorbed into his blood through an erection-enhancing cream
Over 300 officers packed a City Council meeting Tuesday to demand across-the-board pay increases, warning the department will lose officers if it isn’t provided
With Los Angeles city and police union officials headed back to the negotiating table, the two sides spent Tuesday taking public jabs at each other
Department of Safety and Homeland Security Commissioner Bill Gibbons has been in contact with Memphis Mayor A C Wharton Jr. about the situation
Move comes in protest to a recent City Council vote that will reduce health care subsidies for current and retired city employees
Miami-Dade County would pare down its narcotics unit, dismiss investigators working robbery cases and close a boot camp for young convicts
South Carolina’s longest-serving sheriff has been indicted on bribery charges
Vacancies in the New Haven Police Department have caused the city to rely more heavily on overtime
ILEETA presenter explains why not tapping into information from private security personnel is like leaving money on the table
NC Sheriff David Carpenter said he would continue the tradition of firing employees orally, declining to create written documents to satisfy public requests
State Rep. Charlie Stallworth charged Friday that the city’s police department is not hiring enough female and minority officers to adequately represent population