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Cop killer’s commencement speech leads to new Pa. bill

Bill would prevent offenders from causing their victims “mental anguish”

Associated Press

HARRISBURG, Pa. — Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett says he supports a bill that would prevent offenders from causing their victims “mental anguish” in the wake of a Vermont college’s decision to choose a convicted cop killer as a commencement speaker.

Corbett said Monday at a Capitol event that no one has the right to taunt victims of their violent crimes. It came one day after Mumia Abu-Jamal (moo-MEE'-ah AH'-boo jah-MAHL’) gave a recorded address to about 20 graduates at Goddard College.

The bill advanced out of a House committee Monday. It would allow victims to go to court for an injunction against “conduct which perpetuates the continuing effects of the crime on the victim.”

Abu-Jamal is serving life in prison for killing Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner in 1981.

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