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Retiree who yelled ‘Gun’ has ‘annoying habit’ of visiting crime scenes

He listens to scanners and races to locations where police are called, a source told the New York Post

By Selim Algar
New York Post

NEW YORK — The ex-cop who yelled “gun” before a Long Island police officer was killed in a “friendly fire” shooting is a retired NYPD veteran who has an annoying habit of listening to scanners and racing to locations where police are called, sources said yesterday.

John Carafella, 58 - a former Emergency Service Unit sergeant out of East New York - has spent his three-year retirement nosing around crime scenes and offering unwanted help, the sources said.

“This guy really had no business being at the scene,” Nassau cop-union president James Carver said. Nassau County detectives are investigating Carafella’s role in the tragedy that resulted in the death of Geoffrey Breitkopf, a plainclothes cop, who was shot and killed by an MTA cop as he approached a crime scene with a rifle hanging from his shoulder.

Carafella could not be reached for comment.

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