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Police: Fire chief charged with pointing gun at cop while trying to help with arrest

As the cop was apprehending a suspect, the fire chief pulled out a gun and pointed it in their direction, the affidavit states

By Andrew Scott
The Morning Call (Allentown, Pa.)

FREEMANSBURG, Pa. — A volunteer fire chief’s unwanted attempt to help a police officer during a traffic stop and arrest — during which he allegedly pointed a gun at the officer and suspect — have led to charges against him, Freemansburg police said Tuesday

Donald Wilcox, 52, of the 400 block of Main Street, Freemansburg, was charged Tuesday with carrying a gun without a license and reckless endangerment, both misdemeanors, and cited for improperly using emergency lights on his private vehicle during the July 11 incident.

He was arraigned before District Judge Nicholas Englesson and released on $5,000 bail.

At 12:30 p.m. July 11, officer Richard Weichand stopped a vehicle near Freemansburg Avenue and Washington Street, according to the arrest affidavit.

Wilcox, chief of Freemansburg Fire Company, was driving in the area when he saw the traffic stop, pulled over nearby and activated the emergency lights on his personal vehicle in case Weichand needed help, the affidavit states.

The driver fled the traffic stop and Wilcox followed him in his vehicle, with his emergency lights on, the affidavit states. The man fled through a parking lot and onto a sidewalk on Pembroke Road.

When Weichand apprehended the man on Pembroke Road, Wilcox pulled out a gun and pointed it in the direction of Weichand and the man, the affidavit states. Wilcox’s actions were recorded on Weichand’s police car dashboard and body cameras.

Wilcox could not be reached for comment.

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