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Why police reform must be evidence-based

We must consider the research when designing strategies to reduce crime and disorder while maintaining the trust and confidence of the public we serve


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Founded in 2015, the American Society for Evidence-Based Policing was born out of the drive to advance the state of policing in America through the use of scientific evidence. Co-founder Renée Mitchell served in the Sacramento Police Department for 22 years and currently resides with RTI International, an independent, nonprofit research institute. She holds a BS in Psychology, an MA in Counseling Psychology, an MBA, a JD and a Ph.D. in Criminology from the University of Cambridge.

In this episode, host Jim Dudley talks with Dr. Mitchell about why elected officials must work with police leaders to consider the research when designing strategies to reduce crime and disorder while maintaining the trust and confidence of the public we serve.

Policing Matters law enforcement podcast with host Jim Dudley features law enforcement and criminal justice experts discussing critical issues in policing