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Ga. cops’ heroic ‘diaper duty’ photo goes viral

Two Georgia officers responding to a shoplifting complaint found two small children desperate for a diaper change

By Police1 Staff

DUNWOODY, Ga. — Two Georgia officers responding to a shoplifting complaint found two small children desperate for a diaper change.

According to NBC 11, Officers Kerry Stallings and Mark Steven arrested the children’s parents for shoplifting at a Wal-Mart store and discovered the children had been left in their vehicle.

“I’ve changed many outside of work, but in 15 years, I’ve never had to change a diaper at work,” said Officer Stevens.

Another officer at the scene captured a picture of the act, which immediately went viral.

The city council is awarding the two officers who are both fathers Dunwoody Diaper bags to honor the act, according to the report.

“I will carry that proudly. I will show up with my gear bag and my diaper bag on calls. And if I need to change a diaper out on a call, I have changed many before, and I can do another one,” Stevens said.