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Achieve LMR Interoperability Across Public Safety Agencies

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Public safety agencies looking to achieve true interoperability among Land Mobile Radio (LMR) networks are faced with a number of technology-based solutions. A new white paper from General Dynamics Wireless Services will help you plan for, implement and achieve effective interoperable communications systems for your public safety agency.

Public Safety Communications Interoperability: Technology Solutions for Today and Tomorrow

Examines the current issues that affect interoperability of public safety radio networks,

Analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of available technical solutions such as IP networking and Project 25, and

Evaluates near-term and future technical solutions that could play a significant role in achieving LMR interoperability.

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General Dynamics Wireless Services is a leader in the design and implementation of wireless telecommunications networks for commercial wireless carriers and government customers worldwide. Our expertise includes delivering interoperable land mobile radio networks for public safety agencies, deploying third generation wireless telecommunications networks for commercial carriers, and implementing wireless LAN and WAN solutions for enterprise customers.