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Sgt. Jamie Borden on use-of-force investigations and analysis

“We cannot claim any officer is an expert in use of force unless they are an expert in use of force”

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So many factors are involved before the use of force by a police officer. Officers are training in de-escalation and defensive tactics, and then there are the behaviors exhibited by the subject that officers must respond to. In the aftermath, the critics come out from internal and external review boards, the public, elected officials, the media and even other law officers. Certainly, some use-of-force incidents may be decided by a judge and jury.

In this episode of Policing Matters, host Jim Dudley speaks with police veteran and force analysis expert Sergeant Jamie Borden, founder of Critical Incident Review, LLC, about the complexities and challenges around law enforcement use of force.

P.O.S.T. certified in 1997, a police veteran of a large police department in Nevada, Sergeant Jamie Borden was tasked with the creation and implementation of the “Use of Force Training and Analysis Unit” for the agency. The unit was created specifically to identify and analyze police performance issues related to police use of force and police training. He has 25 years of professional involvement in law enforcement as an instructor, lecturer and consultant.

This episode of the Policing Matters Podcast is sponsored by the Master of Science in Law Enforcement & Public Safety Leadership Program at the University of San Diego. Learn how this nationally ranked online program can help you be a force for change at

Additional resources on police use of force


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Policing Matters law enforcement podcast with host Jim Dudley features law enforcement and criminal justice experts discussing critical issues in policing