Police1 Research Center
Find the latest information about research conducted by law enforcement organizations and academic institutions such as the National Police Foundation, the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), among other organizations focused on officer wellness, intelligence-led policing and LEO safety issues. Research recently shared includes ‘resistance-related injuries’ among officers, the experience of minority applicants during the police recruitment process, and preventing vehicle crashes and injuries among officers.
Lift more weight while reducing back pain: A guide on using weightlifting belts for first responders
Weightlifting belts that are properly fitted to the lifter can add extra support for the lower back and improve lifting performance
Lift more weight while reducing back pain: A guide on using weightlifting belts for first responders
Weightlifting belts that are properly fitted to the lifter can add extra support for the lower back and improve lifting performance
According to the “What Cops Want in 2024" survey, officers are experiencing unprecedented levels of fatigue and burnout
A recent study demonstrates that police officers are prone to firing their weapons when their colleagues do, emphasizing the need for contextualized firearms training
The study is assessing the value of an AI-powered tool to help law enforcement create scenarios, quizzes, presentations and, and assess cadets’ learning styles
Explore the significant distortions caused by fisheye lenses in body-worn cameras and understand the implications for accurate scene documentation and critical incident analysis
Police1’s 2024 State of the Industry Survey reveals that rural officers face similar stressors to their urban peers but with fewer resources to combat them
Ensuring the successful adaptation and implementation of research-backed strategies in diverse community settings
Researchers found that peer officer gunfire significantly and substantially influenced participant shooting behaviors — participants were over 11 times more likely to fire their weapons and discharged approximately 72% more rounds in the presence of gunfire
Recent polls on policing show rising trust in law enforcement, with a 75% favorable rating; equal treatment remains a top priority
The survey highlights alarming levels of stress and mental health struggles among law enforcement officers
- Data shatters the small-town myth about law enforcement safety
- Digital Edition: What cops want in 2024
- Police1 asked: How satisfied are police officers with their careers?
- Police1 asked: Does public perception of law enforcement impact officers’ morale?
- What officers said were the biggest challenges of 2023