By Police1 Staff
WILLIAMSBURG, Ky. — Researchers are studying the relationship between the distribution of multiple intelligence profiles and leadership positions in a law enforcement setting.
According to Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, humans do not have just one intelligence. Instead, we have several different types of intelligence that work together. This study aims to better understand how those intelligence types are essential to peace officer work, and expand our understanding of best practices for promotions and leadership development in law enforcement.
“As America becomes more diverse, we must understand the systems that guide and help inform which public members are selected for law enforcement positions and, ultimately, leadership roles. I am a former police chief and have hired many people to become police officers; I have often wondered if the systems in place could be improved,” said Ryan Cherrick, the study’s lead researcher.
Readers can assist by participating in the study and answering truthfully and honestly about their strengths and weaknesses in the different categories in the survey. There is no right or wrong answer. All responses will be strictly confidential.
The study’s results, including the complete dissertation, will be published on an academic research site such as Proquest. Several statistical tests will be used to examine the results. However, narrative conclusions will also be available.
To participate, click here.