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The Office of Justice Programs’ National Institute of Justice (NIJ)


TechBeat is the award-winning news-magazine of the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC) system. Our goal is to keep you up to date with technologies currently being developed by the NLECTC system, as well as other research and development efforts within the Federal Government and private industry. See more articles at We welcome all questions, comments, and story ideas. Please contact NLECTC at 800-248-2742, or email to

Protecting youths from cyberbullying and exploitation requires a concerted effort by parents, law enforcement, schools and the community
T.E.A.M. is a proactive effort to make schools and communities safer, promote responsible citizenship and encourage positive character traits
The Enhanced Dynamic Geo-Social Environment (EDGE) is a free virtual training platform funded by DHS
Data includes the location of naloxone administration, how many doses were administered and what happened to victims after they received naloxone
The Justice Technology Information Center has released a new desktop version of its popular free app, School Safe – JTIC’s Security and Safety Assessment App for Schools
The opioid crisis and the rise in novel psychoactive substances (NPSs) hitting the street was the impetus for developing this particular landscape study
When the Corvallis Police Department moved away from everyday use of shotguns in favor of patrol rifles, the shotguns were repurposed for use as less-lethal weapons
Wisconsin has started a pilot program to help people who suspect that an elderly family member is being abused at home by a caretaker
The ALS causes certain materials to fluoresce, which enhances the ability to visualize specific evidence
As the nation’s opioid epidemic continues to grow, police departments and schools are looking for more ways to fight back