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Using stuffed animals to camouflage your surveillance operation

I was speaking recently with a law enforcement buddy of mine and he shared with me what I think is a pretty fantastic — and simple — way to disguise yourself when you’re conducting a stakeout from a parked vehicle.

A child safety seat and a bunch of stuffed animals.

The presence of stuffed animals (and/or other children’s’ toys in the rear seat area of the surveillance vehicle can effectively camouflage your operation. People looking for possible stakeout vehicles will dismiss the car with a bunch of kid’s toys and a booster seat in the back seat. They’re more than likely not even going to give such a car a second look (or a second thought), even if someone is sitting inside.

One more thing, though: instead of sitting in the driver’s seat for your surveillance, sit in the passenger seat. Nobody figures a cop will sit in the passenger seat. If you’re in the passenger seat, you’re going to look more like the patiently waiting spouse than the police officer conducting an investigation or a surveillance operation.

Doug Wyllie writes police training content on a wide range of topics and trends affecting the law enforcement community. Doug was a co-founder of the Policing Matters podcast and a longtime co-host of the program.