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Listen: Man calls 911 mid-police pursuit, asks to speak to Trump

A deputy spotted a baggie in the suspect’s car, but the suspect grabbed it, put it in his mouth and sped away

By Police1 Staff

COLLIER COUNTY, Fla. — A man called 911 asking to speak to President Trump while deputies were pursuing him Tuesday morning. reported that Collier County Sheriff’s deputies said the suspect was acting suspiciously and they could smell marijuana in his car. A deputy spotted a baggie in the car, but the suspect grabbed the bag, put it in his mouth and sped away.

“I need help please,” Aric Frydberg told 911. “There’s a police officer chasing me.”

The dispatcher tried numerous times to get Frydberg to pull over. However, during the phone call he tried to get the dispatcher to call his parents as well as President Trump.

“Donald Trump is a close friend of mine,” he said. “We made a deal.”

Deputies eventually stopped him after a seven-mile pursuit. Frydberg is being charged with tampering with evidence, resisting an officer and two counts of battery of an officer.