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Photos: Kan. police discover bizarre figures on park camera

After calls of a possible mountain lion, police set up a camera in a local park to see what was out there

By Police1 Staff

GARDNER, Kan. — Police discovered some surprising images on a camera they set up in a local park.

Police received concerned calls about a mountain lion in an area near a park. In an effort to uncover what animals were in the area, they set up two trail cameras, according to the department’s Facebook page.

When they recovered the footage, there was no sign of a mountain lion. There was, however, video of people dressed up as different animals and characters from popular culture.

From a gorilla to Santa Claus with a beer, the images gave the officers a laugh.

“We would like to sincerely thank the persons responsible as it made our day when we pulled up what we expected to be hundreds of pictures of coyotes, foxes and raccoons,” the post read. “Thank you to the citizens who noticed the cameras. Your effort and sense of humor are greatly appreciated.”