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Video: Wild turkey breaks in home, smashes a window to evade police

“That poor turkey though, oh, I feel so bad for it. I feel so bad for it. It’s probably hurt,” the homeowner said in the video


Miami Township Police Facebook

By Aspen Pflughoeft
The Charlotte Observer

MIAMI TOWNSHIP, Ohio — Video footage captured the tail end of a turkey’s rampage inside – and out of – an Ohio home.

The Miami Township Police Department had never received a call quite like the one on the evening of Monday, Oct. 3, the department said in a news release.

An officer’s body camera footage captured it all.

Officers arrived at the home to find a large turkey in one of the rooms, video shows. The turkey had broken in and strewn books and papers across the ground. Shattered pieces of glass sparkled in the evening light.

The homeowner – who was also filming video– watched an officer slowly approach the bird. Flapping noises could be heard in the video.

As the officer got closer, the turkey frantically flapped against the window.

The flapping stopped suddenly as the bird dropped to the ground and retreated toward a corner. The officer pursued it with a large net in hand. A flurry of glass-like clinking noises revealed the turkey broke the window.

“That poor turkey though, oh, I feel so bad for it,” the homeowner said in the video. “I feel so bad for it. It’s probably hurt.”

The officer inside the room turned around with the turkey in the net, its feathers sticking up. They walked toward the door and past an overturned piece of furniture as the bird continued to struggle.

As the officer reached the doorway, the bird erupted from the net, hit the floor and flew back into the room. Multiple large crashing noises could be heard.

The turkey escaped out the smashed window.

The officer wearing the body camera ran to close and locked the house’s front door, presumably to stop the turkey from attempting to re-enter.

The homeowner commented on the police department’s video and said they later boarded up the windows.

Miami Township is about 40 miles north of Cincinnati.

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