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Miss. PD adds ‘All Lives Matter’ decals to patrol cars

They decided to add the phrase to the cars after the deadly ambush attacks on police

By Police1 Staff

EDWARDS, Miss. — After deadly ambushes on police in Dallas and Baton Rouge, police in a Mississippi town have decided to add “All Lives Matter” decals to their patrol cars.

Police Chief Torrence Mayfield and the town’s mayor spent the money themselves to purchase the decals, Mayfield told WNCN.

“‘Blue Lives Matter’ is not going to be welcomed by everyone and neither is ‘Black Lives Matter’”, Mayfield told WLBT.

“You are not going to be able to please everyone, but 100 percent of my officers completely agreed, the Mayor agreed and everyone has absolutely loved it,” said Mayfield.

“I’m an African-American myself. And I’m a police officer. I share both sides of the story, but my life is no greater than anyone else,” Mayfield told WGNO.