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Mo. cop pays tribute to colleague’s bravery with art

The deputy spent close to 50 hours painting a tribute on the hood of the officer’s damaged patrol car

By Police1 Staff

KANSAS CITY, Mo — A Missouri deputy is paying tribute to a fellow deputy’s bravery through art.

Clay County Deputy Craig Greco told Fox4 that a deputy he works with encountered a suspect who fled when the deputy tried to arrest him.

“During the pursuit, the suspect fired a weapon at the deputy, striking his patrol car,” Greco explained in a Facebook post.

The suspect was taken into custody and no one was hurt.

“I wanted to paint something that really represented the triumph of good over evil and what better way to do that then representing it with the thin blue line and the Saint Michael archangel protecting police,” Greco told the publication.

Greco added a custom paint job to the hood of the patrol car that was struck by the suspect’s bullet. Painted next to the bullet hole from the pursuit is an inscription that reads: “‘There is no nice way to arrest a potentially dangerous, combative suspect. The police are our bodyguards, our hired fists, batons and guns. We pay them to do the dirty work of protecting us. The work we’re too afraid, too unskilled, or too civilized to do ourselves. We expect them to keep the bad guys out of our businesses, out of our cars, out of our houses, and out of our faces. We just don’t want to see how it’s done.’ -Charles H. Webb, Ph.D”