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Survey: COVID-19 enforcement

Survey aims to find out how you and your agencies are handling the new pandemic-driven restrictions that have surfaced in many states

Enforcing the COVID-19 restrictions we’ve seen imposed in many states has resulted in professional challenges and personal dilemmas for officers.

Calibre Press is conducting a nationwide poll of law enforcement to see how – or if – you and your agencies are handling enforcement of new pandemic-driven restrictions that have surfaced in many states.

How do you feel about these restrictions? Are you being trained on enforcement procedures and violation penalties? Are you enforcing? What’s the impact on community relations?

Let us and the entire law enforcement community know your thoughts by taking this short 7-question poll. Click here to complete.

The Calibre Column is provided by Calibre Press, Inc., one of the most recognized and respected law enforcement training organizations in the industry. Offering hundreds of courses each year on topics ranging from Street Survival®, Active Threat Engagement and Assault Detection & Response to Highway Patrol Tactics, Emotional Survival, and Leadership, Calibre Press has trained more than one million officers nationwide over its 40-year history. In addition to on-site courses, Calibre also offers an increasing collection of training-focused videos available through

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