Please be advised that there’s a new illegally-produced synthetic drug floating around out there that can cause serious harm if you come into contact with it. The drug is called Desmethyl Fentanyl — a chemically-modified derivative of the powerful prescription painkiller Fentanyl — and is reportedly “40 times more potent than heroin and 80 times stronger than morphine.”
During an April raid that resulted in the seizure of bath salts, ecstasy, meth, speed, steroids, and other illicit drugs, four Montreal cops were made ill by apparently handling some amount of the seized Desmethyl Fentanyl.
“The seized Desmethyl Fentanyl was toxic enough to affect four police officers who were handling the drugs for analysis,” said a report by CBC News.
Inspector Marc Riopel of the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) said that “even though they were wearing masks and gloves, still by being in contact with the product, they suffered from mild injuries. One of them had to hospitalized because of a heart condition.”
Coming to America
Montreal police — the SPVM — said further they found sophisticated equipment used to produce industrial quantities of drugs. Apparently, one machine seized “was capable of producing at least one pill per second.”
SPVM released an image which shows the seized drugs bearing the typical copycat “branding” imprints — such as the Facebook logo, evident in the picture above and right — in an effort to market the drug to our kids.
If it’s not already in your own community (which probably is) you can be sure that this drug has almost certainly been successfully shipped to the United States.
According to the Montreal Gazette, two men attempted to ship 10,000 pills of Desmethyl Fentanyl — hidden inside a microwave oven and a toaster — to an address in Colorado.
The Montreal Gazette said further that during the last few months, the men had been regular customers of the UPS store where they were busted on April 25, and “always shipped the same items to various addresses in the United States.”
Stay safe out there my friends.