Alert found unsubstantiated
Recently an e-mail indicating that the MS-13 gang has declared Oct. 30 an annual “Kill a Law Enforcement Officer Day” began circulating nationwide. After receiving several copies of the alert from across the country, Police1 staff began investigating the claim.
We found that the warning that cops will be specifically targeted on this day - an allegation that originated in Newport News, Va. - has not been substantiated.
In an interview with Police1, Lt. David Graham, who is in charge of intelligence with the Organized Crime Unit of Newport News PD, said the informant cited in the e-mail was “re-interviewed by the Newport News Gang Unit and the information was not found credible in this case.”
The alert began spreading across the country after an officer posted information on the alleged “Kill a Cop Day” threat to a Virginia Gang Investigators Association e-mail list.
“Information that comes across the list server is neither validated nor sanctioned by the Virginia Gang Investigators board,” Lt. Graham said. “It is up to the users to verify this information before disseminating.”
We share these findings in the interest of accuracy and in preventing unwarranted hyper-vigilance on Oct. 30. HOWEVER, PLEASE NOTE: This is not to say that you should ever let your guard down, regardless of the day.
“Law enforcement officers who deal with MS-13 [members] should always consider them a threat,” Lt. Graham cautions.