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British police arrest fugitive wanted in 2004 assault in NY

Sean Lopes, a former science teacher, was charged with kidnapping and attempted murder before he fled the country

Associated Press

LONDON — British police have arrested a fugitive who jumped bail nine years ago on attempted murder and kidnapping charges in the United States.

Sean Lopes, a former science teacher, is wanted for confronting his 22-year-old ex-girlfriend with a gun and a knife and holding her hostage in New York City in June 2004.

Police arrested the 47-year-old Lopes then released him on bail. He fled, and was sentenced to 15 years in prison in his absence in 2005.

Kent police said Wednesday that Lopes had been living in Chatham, about 33 miles (53 kilometers) east of London. Officers arrested him Monday after consulting detectives in New York.

In early 2012, U.S. authorities said they believed Lopes was hiding in Trinidad and Tobago.

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