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‘Cookie Monster’ charged for endangerment, rejects plea

The plea deal would have let him off with two years of anger management counseling and two days of community service

Associated Press

NEW YORK — A man who dresses up as Cookie Monster in Times Square turned down a plea deal in a New York City case accusing him of shoving a 2-year-old after his mother refused to tip him.

Osvaldo Quiroz-Lopez is charged with endangering the welfare of a child.

The Daily News says the plea deal would have let him off with two years of anger management counseling and two days of community service.

Quiroz-Lopez turned down the offer on Wednesday after prosecutors said he would have to plead guilty to the charge.

He was arrested on April 7. Police say he demanded $2 from a Connecticut family that posed with him for a photo. According to a criminal complaint, he shoved the toddler and yelled obscenities at the family.

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