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N.M. officer fired for off-duty fight

By Vic Vela
Albuquerque Journal

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Eugene Rodella has been fired from his job as an Española police officer because of a fight two months ago at a tattoo parlor and hookah bar, according to Española Police Chief Julian Gonzales.

And it remains to be seen whether he can keep his license to be a cop as a law enforcement board mulls punishment for Rodella’s involvement in the Oct. 7 off-duty rumble that sent two people to the hospital.

Gonzales said Rodella’s termination was effective Wednesday of last week and was based on actions that the chief deemed as “firing offenses.”

“There was substantial information developed through the internal affairs investigation to show he broke some criminal laws by committing assault and battery on the owner of the tattoo parlor,” Gonzales said Friday.

The chief said Rodella - who, according to a State Pol ice repor t, ad m it ted drinking before the ruckus - “brought negative publicity to the city” and did not conduct himself appropriately as an off-duty officer in engaging in the fight.

The incident began when Rodella and younger brother Gabriel Rodella went to the Dragon’s Lair Hookah Lounge and Defiant Artist Tattoo Parlor, where they instigated a fight with someone associated with the shops, according to police documents and 911 recordings.

The Rodella brothers went into the hookah lounge - which adjoins the tattoo shop - and confronted Christopher Whitsell, whom the brothers accused of beating up their nephew, T.J. Rodella, in a fight that took place at the same location the night before.

T.J. Rodella is the son of state Rep. Debbie Rodella, D-Española, and former Rio Arriba County Magistrate Tommy Rodella - the brother of Eugene and Gabriel Rodella. Tommy Rodella is running for Rio Arriba County sheriff.

Gabriel Rodella began punching and choking Whitsell in the parking lot before Whitsell tried to get away by running into the tattoo shop, according to police reports. The Rodellas chased after Whitsell and followed him into a room where Española police Detective Bryan Martinez was getting a tattoo.

The Rodellas pushed their way into the room and began fighting with tattoo shop owner Marlo Gray, who was sent to the hospital following the fight, as was Whitsell.

In a recording of 911 call, Detective Martinez can he heard telling officer Rodella, “You can’t be doing that (expletive), bro.” He also told a dispatcher, “They just came in here and broke a bunch of (expletive) and beat up a couple of guys.”

Chief Gonzales said he sent Eugene Rodella - who was placed on paid administrative leave after the incident - notice on Nov. 23 that he was contemplating termination after an internal affairs investigation was concluded. The chief then met with Rodella, who gave his side of the story. After consulting with the department’s deputy chiefs, Gonzales made a final decision to fire Rodella, the chief said.

Rodella can appeal the decision through a city grievance officer. Efforts to reach the Rodellas since the October fight have been unsuccessful.

According to the Rio Grande Sun, the hookah lounge and tattoo parlor closed down recently because of questions about whether the businesses were properly licensed.

Eugene Rodella is facing other possible action. He took part in an informal hearing Thursday with state Law Enforcement Academy Director Arthur Ortiz, where they discussed the tattoo parlor incident, Ortiz said Friday.

Rodella faces possible punishment from the board, which he had already been in hot water with stemming from a prior case involving domestic violence allegations, Ortiz said. In March, Rodella was placed on one year’s probation and other sanctions because of the previous case, which did not result in criminal charges.

With the latest alleged incident at the tattoo parlor, Rodella faces a potential five-year revocation of his law enforcement certification. If that sanction is imposed, he would have to go before the board after the revocation period to get recertified, Ortiz said. Rodella could also get lesser penalties, such as a lighter suspension period or more probation, or the matter could be dismissed by the law enforcement board altogether.

Ortiz said he will make a decision on what he intends to recommend to the board next week.

Whether Rodella face criminal charges from the October fight remains up in the air. District Attorney Angela “Spence” Pacheco has said her office continues to investigate.

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