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Assaulted off-duty officer dies from injuries

When cop approached a group of alleged car vandals, one attacked


El Paso Officer Jonathan Molina died from injuries sustained in an assault.

El Paso Police Image

Duty Death: Jonathan Molina - [El Paso]

By Police1 Staff

EL PASO, Texas — An officer who was assaulted while off duty died Friday morning, police officials said.

Last month, El Paso Officer Jonathan Molina was approaching three people allegedly vandalizing his car when he identified himself as an off-duty officer, police said. Juan Antonio Gonzalez took the officer to the ground, where he pummeled him until he lost consciousness, then continued to attack.

Molina, who suffered multiple face and skull fractures and internal head injuries, was sent to University Medical Center, where he remained in critical condition until his death, KFox14 reported.

“The Citizens of El Paso and the El Paso Police Department have lost a man that chose a life dedicated to serving the people of El Paso,” Police Chief Greg Allen said.

Gonzalez, who was charged with aggravated assault on a public servant, now faces capital murder charges. Bail is set at $5 million.