Very often and regardless of the situation many officers turn a blind eye to those who are elderly,both letting there guard down and assuming that the aforementioned are less of a threat then younger individuals. Dead Wrong ! Age has nothing to do with a threat to an officer. If anything it has the chance of incressing the threat. We must remember that criminals age and a failer to run same as you would someone younger could not only result in loss of life, it can also result in a wanted felon walking. Everyone from bank robbers, pedophiles, rapist etc.. grow older but none the less are still dangerous. Things are not always as they appear. Many officers are do not have any issue requesting a vehical search and running a younger individuals backround, but few do same when they make a stop on a elderly individual. First impressions mean nothing, question everything and everyone. You my find everything from controlled substances, weapons,to someones young kid tied up in the trunk. As we in LE grow older, we grow wiser. So do criminals. Stay Safe and Vest Up Always.