Complacency can be a major problem for those who not only work the street but those who dispatch and supervise. It is that monkey on your back that can get you killed if you’re not aware and paying attention.
Almost daily we have heard or read or watched the news where one of our own is injured or killed on the most minor of incidents. That in itself is one of the problems. Words like minor, routine and nuisance call should be removed from your thinking and your vocabulary.
The minor traffic accident, the routine traffic stop, the annoying dog complaint all these things set a tone of “no urgency... bothersome... no big deal... easy in easy out.” That thinking could prove fatal.
The minor traffic accident might be minor in sense of damage and no injuries but who is involved and what is going on in their head when you arrive. Maybe you have a wanted operator who knows once you start seeking info he or she may be exposed.
Subject may have just left scene of crime.
Traffic stops same thought should apply everyday speeder could be a felon, could be a very angry person about to become a felon.
Dispatchers send out calls as they receive them some with more urgency than others.
They are not the ones on the front line you are the one who will walk into the problem at hand, you are the one who ultimately gets the real cause of the problem.
Complacency comes from many places such as distraction from the job because of problems or events at home. Maybe you’re leaving for vacation in a few days so your mind is there. How about that boat or new car you’re buying or just bought. Maybe there’s a new girlfriend or boyfriend, sickness at home, trouble with a loved one.
All these things will take your thought off the job and put you in an unprepared state of mind.
Supervisors are responsible to know their officers, understand when they are happy or showing signs of trouble. They are responsible to keep them focused on the job at hand.
All those electronic gadgets we have today can be a real distraction if you continue to use them while working. Get your eyes off those screens, fingers off those keys, get your head up, look around, and pay attention.
All these things and more can make you a victim of your own failure to prepare and be alert.
Complacency can get you killed, paranoia can make you crazy. Find the middle ground.
Don’t leave your life in the hands of luck and wishful thinking. Be tactical always, carry off duty, and get that pension you will so deserve.