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Masked man with loaded guns in car arrested outside Dallas police station

Adan Salazar told police he was thinking about shooting at the station or its officers


Adan Salazar

Photo/Dallas Police

By Naheed Rajwani
The Dallas Morning News

DALLAS — A man was arrested Wednesday afternoon after he showed up at the Dallas Police Department’s southwest patrol station and threatened to open fire, police say.

Adan Salazar, 22, has been charged with terroristic threat, unlawful carrying of a weapon, and possession of marijuana.

Officers confronted Salazar after he parked outside about 2:40 p.m. and put on a Guy Fawkes mask similar to those worn in the political thriller film V for Vendetta, said Deputy Chief Albert Martinez, who oversees the station.

When officers confronted him, Salazar said he was thinking about shooting at the station or its officers, Martinez said. Police found marijuana and two loaded 9 mm handguns in his car.

It’s unclear what prompted him to go the station.

“His behavior was very erratic. He was yelling; he was just saying words,” Martinez said.

Salazar was taken to the Dallas County jail, where he could be evaluated to determine whether he needed to be taken to a hospital for mental health treatment.

It common for people to visit the station to file crime reports, ask questions or complete child custody exchanges.

The Police Department bolstered security at its stations after the July 7 ambush in which a gunman killed five officers downtown.

Martinez said Wednesday’s encounter with the masked man greatly concerned him.

“We have a duty to protect our citizens, but we also have a duty to protect our officers in this work environment,” he said. “They’ve got to have a safe place to come to.”


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