Many people assume that they know how to correctly perform the push-up exercise. Unfortunately, most perform it incorrectly and increase the risk of shoulder injury. Some basic technique refinement can minimize shoulder stress and improve performance of this excellent body weight exercise.
• First, assume the push-up position with a shoulder width hand placement.
• Keep the back flat and the head in a neutral position.
• Make sure the position of the wrists and elbows are directly in line with and under the shoulders. Hands should be slightly rotated outward.
• Slowly lower the body close to the ground by extending the shoulder and flexing at the elbows.
• Pause for a moment, then flex the shoulder and extend the elbow rising back to the starting position.
• Make sure the elbows are tracking close to the torso when performing the exercise. If not, the hand placement is too wide and/or the hands are rotated inward instead of outward. This is a common technique mistake that places most of the stress on the shoulders and increases the likelihood of injury.