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Fifty officers shot to death in 2005

The Associated Press

WASHINGTON- Fifty police officers were shot to death in the United States last year, among 122 who were killed in the line of duty.

In all, 55 officers were killed intentionally, two fewer than in 2004, according to preliminary FBI statistics released Monday. Vehicles were used in five deaths, the bureau said.

At the time they were killed, 34 officers were wearing body armor. But the FBI did not say whether bullets penetrated the armor in any of those deaths. Handguns were used to kill 42 officers, while five were shot with shotguns and three with a rifle. Six officers were killed with their own weapons, the FBI said.

It said that authorities solved all the killings.

Twenty eight officers were killed in the South, 10 in the Midwest, 10 in the West, and five in the Northeast, the FBI said. Two officers were killed in Puerto Rico.

There were 67 accidential deaths of officers in 2005, 15 fewer than a year earlier, the FBI said. There was no description of how those deaths occurred.

The preliminary numbers come from information submitted by more than 10,000 state, local and tribal law enforcement agencies. The FBI publishes final numbers in the fall.


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