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Video: Armed gang member wanted for carjacking flees toward neighborhood before OIS

A Riverside Police Department officer fired shots, striking the suspect after he jumped out of a suspected stolen vehicle and attempted to climb a wall

By Joanna Putman

RIVERSIDE, Calif. — Newly released dash camera footage shows a documented gang member and suspected carjacker armed with a handgun attempting to flee from officers into a neighborhood before an officer-involved shooting occurred, CBS News Los Angeles reported.

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The incident occurred on June 18 while Riverside Police Department officers were searching for a car taken during a carjacking, according to the report. Video released on Aug. 3 shows officers locating the vehicle and pulling up behind it as the driver entered a parking lot.

The driver, armed with a loaded handgun, got out of the vehicle and began to flee on foot toward a neighborhood. One officer then fired shots at the man. The driver was struck by gunfire and taken to a nearby hospital, where he is in stable condition, according to the report.

The suspect, who is a documented gang member on probation for several other charges, has been charged with carjacking, according to the report.