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Graphic video to deter distracted motorists

The Shock Trauma Center in Baltimore and Motor Vehicle Administration have created a video encouraging drivers to not text and drive

By Police1 Staff

BALTIMORE — Video shows a shocking realistic accident caused by distracted driving.

The Shock Trauma Center in Baltimore and the Motor Vehicle Administration have created this video of a jarring traffic accident of four young people in a minivan crashing into a fence for a driver training courses, according to the Associated Press.

1,100 people were killed and 152,000 were hurt between 2007 and 2011 in Maryland.

The video hopes to encourage young drivers to pay more attention while driving and avoid using cell phones at the wheel.

MVA Administrator John Kuo says that sending or reading a text massage can take a driver’s eyes off the road for almost five seconds. If driving at 55 miles per hour, he says that’s like “driving the entire length of a football field blindfolded.”