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Night of violence stretches Calif. PD

Sunday shift called to work early, other agencies called for backup because of the busy night

Oroville Mercury Register

CHICO, Calif. — A busy Saturday night for the Chico Police Department turned positively frantic right around midnight as police responded to an assault, a felony hit-and-run accident, an attempted robbery and two shootings between 11:50 p.m. and 3:08 a.m.

It started just before midnight with a report of a fight at West Third and Ivy streets. Police said when officers arrived, a victim whose name was not released was unconscious in the street. Witnesses said several males kicked and punched the victim.

Officers found a suspect a few blocks away. Police said he was positively identified by witnesses and was arrested. Dominique Harris, 18, of Chico, was arrested on suspicion of battery and was being held at Butte County Jail in lieu of $50,000 bail.

At 1:37 a.m. Sunday, police said they received a report of a hit-and-run accident near West Third and Hazel streets. Police said two males, whose names were not released, were hit and suffered “significant” injuries.

Police said the driver left the scene without stopping, but witnesses provided a description of the vehicle. Police found the vehicle and eventually arrested Nathaniel Barbour, 25. Police said he would be charged with driving under the influence and felony hit and run.

At 2:36 a.m., police received a report of a shooting at West Second and Orange streets. The victim, whose name was not released, told police he was walking with a friend near West Fourth and Cherry streets when a man attempted to rob him. The suspect fired one shot, which hit the victim in the head, but police said the wound isn’t life-threatening. Police did not release a description of the suspect.

Then at 3:08 a.m., police responded to a shooting in the 1000 block of Columbus Avenue. Police said a man suffered a gunshot wound to his upper body. He was taken to Enloe Medical Center and is listed in serious condition, police said Sunday afternoon.

A Police Department press release said the Sunday shift was called to work early and other agencies were called for backup help because of the busy night.

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