By Police1 Staff
CHICAGO — An officer was praised for his actions during an attack that left him slashed and bloody on his face.
CBS Chicago reported 22-year-old Officer Eric Morrison was working off-duty at an auto pound in Chicago when a man called him over and attacked him with a knife, slicing his face, head and neck several times.
“I didn’t want to die. I had too much to live for,” Morrison said to CBS.
The officer immediately went into the office to tell others to hide for safety.
“With no regard for his own actions or his own injuries, he herded the office staff into a safe place, drew his weapon and protected that staff until the police could arrive,” Tom Scully of FIDEI Security said at a news conference.
The suspect, Heriance Turman, turned himself in. He was charged with attempted murder.
Morrison told CBS he will use this experience to be a better officer.