The Indianapolis Star
INDIANAPOLIS — An Indianapolis man was arrested after he took an officer’s Taser and fired it at the officer Tuesday on the Near Northside.
John Willis Warren, 36, was held in the Marion County Jail after police say he attacked an officer about 12:35 a.m. at a Shell station in the 1500 block of North Illinois Street.
Officer Gregory Slaven stopped Warren after he spotted him speeding on Illinois Street in a Dodge sedan, according to a police report.
Warren handed Slaven an ID card and told the officer his license had been suspended, according to the report. Police say Slaven put a handcuff on Warren’s left wrist, and Warren spun around and put the officer in a headlock.
“As I reached for my Taser and was about to place it against his side, he knocked it from my hand and we continued fighting,” Slaven wrote in the police report.
Slaven broke free of the headlock, and Warren grabbed the Taser, police said.
“He was yelling that he was not going back to jail, and that I was going to have to kill him,” Slaven wrote.
Slaven pulled his handgun and ordered Warren to drop the weapon, police said.
Warren fired the Taser, police said, but the probes missed Slaven by about four feet.
Warren threw the single-shot Taser at Slaven and got back into his car. Slaven tried to apprehend Warren again, police said, this time firing a burst of chemical spray into Warren’s face.
More officers arrived and arrested Warren after a brief chase.
Warren faces initial charges of battery, criminal recklessness, resisting arrest and driving with a suspended license. His bond was set at $100,000.
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