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Drunk woman leads police on pursuit to jail she prefers

Just a few miles from the county line, the driver pulled over and told the officer why she took off

News 9

CHICKASHA, Okla. — An Oklahoma woman leads officers on a high speed chase by swerving all over the road and it was all caught on camera.

Dash cam video shows a car traveling about 5-10 miles over the speed limit, but what happens as the officer pulls out after the vehicle is when things really start to get out of hand. Just a few miles from the county line, the driver pulled over and told the officer why she took off.

“Apparently the driver did not want to go to jail in Grady County,” said McClain. “She wanted to go to jail in Caddo County was her explanation as to why she did not pull over.”

Full Story: Caught On Camera: Chickasha Police Chase Suspect