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Chief: Ala. cop killer had handcuff key

Officer Steven Green died two weeks ago at the hands of Lawrence Wallace Jr., who escaped his handcuffs as he was transported to jail

By Police1 Staff

MOBILE, Ala. — A Mobile Police Chief says police don’t know how a cop killer got a murder weapon and a handcuff key past officers.

Officer Steven Green died two weeks ago at the hands of Lawrence Wallace Jr., who escaped his handcuffs as he was transported to jail, according to WKRG. Chief Michael Williams says detectives and officers searched Williams prior to him entering the car, but police later found a 3-inch knife in the vehicle and a handcuff key hidden in Wallace’s shoe.

So far, an internal investigation has not resulted in any disciplinary action, and Williams dismissed concerns that officers should have confiscated Wallace’s large medallion, worn around his neck.

“The medallion had nothing to do with the death of that officer,” Williams said. "[The weapon]'s larger than the medallion, so there’s no way it was concealed.”

Green was believed to be stabbed in the left side up to two times.