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Radical Activist Groups and Genetically Engineered Trees

The Rainforest Action Network will hold its first Northern California Regional Genetically Engineered Trees Strategy Session in San Francisco on Thursday (Oct. 3) from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The purpose of the session is to bring together some of the most radical anarchists/activists to start a campaign to end the scientific research of genetically engineered trees in Northern California, the U.S. and world wide. (The purpose of genetically engineered trees research is designed to make trees healthier.)

This purpose of the anarchist strategy sessions will involve direct action, protests and to quote, “other juicy stuff”, but what exactly develops will depend on the skills, resources, and availability of the anarchists. Their strategy session is part of regional planning, happening around the country, building toward a national planning meeting later this year in Vermont.

This is Rainforest Action Networks plan. Genetically engineered trees are being aggressively researched and developed in California predominantly at University of California (at Berkeley) and University of California at Davis California. Northern California has at least 21 genetically engineered test tree plots-(about 15% of all test plots in the U.S.) Rainforest Action Network’S belief is that genetically engineered Trees will jeopardize lands such as wilderness areas, wildlife refuges, national parks, and well, just about anywhere trees are growing. Rainforest Action Networks’ intent is to totally disrupt -and do direct action against corporations and government run programs which fund genetically engineered trees.

Additional anarchist groups which have signed on to this action:

  • GE Tree Campaign
  • Action for Social and Ecological Justice (formerly native Forest
  • Network’s Eastern North American Resource Center)

  • GAAGET: Global Alliance Against Genetically Engineered Trees

Assessment: The possibility of extreme property violence in the future is high. The possibility of the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) Friends of the Earth, and other ultra radical anarchist groups being involved is high as well. Arson violence against government and corporate sponsors of GE Trees will be targeted by these radical groups. Threat level at this time is 2. When their campaign progresses, it will probably escalate to 4.

This article is reprinted with permission from Informed Source Newsletter at

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