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Video: Man prays with Ga. deputy during traffic stop

Deputy Brandon Wiggins’ mind started racing when two vehicles pulled over in front of the car he had stopped

By Police1 Staff

HEARD COUNTY, Ga. — A recent experience during a traffic stop had one Georgia deputy in tears.

According to Fox 8, Deputy Brandon Wiggins’ mind started racing when two vehicles pulled over in front of the car he had stopped.

“I immediately start running situations through my head, and praying for the best. I’m nervous, and praying to God that nothing is going to happen, as I get back out of my car, I see a man and a woman exiting the vehicles, my hand close to my gun and my heart pounding, all while still watching the driver of the truck,” Wiggins wrote.

The man revealed himself as the father of the person Wiggins had stopped. The man explained he and his son were traveling to see a family member who had recently had a stroke, according to 11 Alive.

The man then asked the deputy to pray with him.

“My heart sank and as he prayed for me and my brothers in blue my eyes filled with tears, I was at a loss for words, this man with all he had going on, stopped to pray for me. As I walked away I was in total shock. Thank you sir for taking time out of your day to pray for us. God bless you and your family,” Wiggins wrote.