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Heather R. Cotter

Contemporary Issues in Policing

Heather R. Cotter has been working with public safety professionals for 20 years and understands the resource challenges and constraints agencies face. Heather is a Captain in the United States Army Reserve and holds two master’s degrees from Arizona State University and a bachelor’s degree from Indiana University. Contact her at

Failure to plan is planning to fail, and that’s glaringly evident when large-scale civil unrest breaks out
Inviting community stakeholders to experience virtual reality training can change the conversation
Agencies need to embrace this change and understand this type of information is critical to crime prevention and crime-solving
Virtual training systems allow instructors to create complex exercise scenarios that challenge every officer to maintain his or her situational awareness
Event provides cross-disciplinary training to address the cumulative mental health trauma responders face from duty-related experiences
Intelligence analysis software allows investigators to methodically and strategically review high volumes of data from multiple sources
When dealing with safety-related gear like body armor, the wrong purchase could be deadly for cops in the field
The benefits of 360-degree video include addressing public expectations, capturing additional evidence and improving officer training
The research shows that legal and physical protections are major benefits of adding a BWC to a patrol officer’s toolkit
While BWC footage is generally gathered and used to protect officers and the citizens they serve, many agencies are exploring additional ways to leverage that footage