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Woman takes limo to shoplift in Minn. mall

Woman used a limo to drive her back and forth from her shoplifting spree

Associated Press

ROCHESTER, Minn. — Police say a 22-year-old woman accused of shoplifting arrived in style at a mall in southeastern Minnesota.

Authorities say a limousine driver who took the woman to the Apache Mall in Rochester on Monday helped police to find her.

Lt. Jim Evenson tells the Post-Bulletin that the woman stole about $300 in merchandise from a sporting goods store then fought with security officers before running away.

As police searched the area for the suspect, the limo driver stopped and asked officers who they were looking for. When he heard her description, he told police it might be the woman who had just called for a ride back to Kahler Grand Hotel.

Evenson says officers followed the limo driver to the pickup spot and arrested the woman.

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