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Lexipol provides fully developed, state-specific law enforcement policies researched and written by subject matter experts and vetted by attorneys. Our policies are based on nationwide standards and best practices while also incorporating state and federal laws and regulations where appropriate. Best of all, we keep your policies updated for you, saving you time and money.

With Lexipol, you will enhance personnel accountability, reduce liability, save time and money on policy management AND rest easy knowing your department is protected.

When good people get involved in high-risk, low-frequency events, you are much more likely to make a mistake; listen to learn why ongoing training is key for responders
Risk management expert Gordon Graham details how to combat the five reasons mistakes are made in public safety
How an officer responds should be based on both individual rights and officer safety
Will your recording have a soundtrack? If so, what does that soundtrack say about you as a person and as a police officer?
The Supreme Court isn’t as anxious to reinforce the doctrine of qualified immunity as some critics claim
Lexipol employees have a personal love and passion for the public safety industry
The added wealth of experience, leadership will continue to bring innovative solutions to customers in public safety
The court decides whether to grant law enforcement officers qualified immunity for failure to render medical care following an overdose
The nomination for the 2024 Business Intelligence Group award focused on the Cordico wellness app
Lexipol’s comprehensive suite of solutions address key challenges for public safety and local government agencies
The Best in Biz Award recognizes the new version of Lexipol’s Cordico wellness app for first responders
For you leaders out there: It’s imperative that valuing mental health is not just lip service
Say what you want about millennials, but they have healthy attitudes toward work-life balance in public safety; we should follow their lead
My fear is that a month or maybe a year from now, some scandal will arise when it comes out that officers in an agency have been using AI in their court submissions
In a recent case, the court determines whether a traffic stop was legally extended based on reasonable suspicion
At IACP 2023, police psychologists presented an evidence-based tool to combat the tendency of law enforcement officers to isolate themselves
Catastrophizing can actually cause more catastrophic results to you physically and mentally than the actual catastrophe you imagined
These action items can help officers incorporate mental fitness strategies into their daily routines
As long as suspects hide or circumstances warrant no-knock actions, there will be property damage
“How do we expect officers to be good at decision-making if we don’t start it in the academy?”
The court rules that the officers had no reasonable suspicion to conduct a Terry frisk in this recent case
A recent case takes a look at an alleged false arrest for the failure to produce identification during an investigation
A recent appellate case takes a look at the question: Can police require vehicle passenger identification?
A recent case reminds us that a friendly conversation (talk nice, think mean) doesn’t create a custodial interrogation
A recent case involving law enforcement provides an opportunity for a closer look
While GPS is not new technology, the use of geofence warrants in law enforcement investigations is relatively recent
The appellate court began its analysis by noting that a charging vehicle can be a deadly weapon
Focusing on observed behavior will help protect both the individuals needing assistance and the officers responding to the situation
What officers claimed was hostile behavior, the court determined was the plaintiff pressing to exercise his right to remain in his home and require a warrant for entry
Although teamwork is a natural element of publicsafety, it’s easy for leaders to become complacent and fail to pay sufficient attention to team dynamics
Gordon Graham on facilitating the sharing of knowledge by and between police departments
The lesson of both this case and the Byrd decision is that officers should ask any suspect who is not named in the contract about their control and authority to operate the car.
We must ensure the people who are using the equipment are trained, authorized and certified to do so