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Executive order expands concealed carry for federal LE, judges, prosecutors

President Trump signed an executive order Monday that makes it easier for federal law enforcement officers to qualify for LEOSA and also expands concealed carry rights to federal judges and prosecutors


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By Suzie Ziegler

WASHINGTON — President Trump signed an executive order Monday that calls for expanded concealed carry authorizations for federal law enforcement officers, judges and prosecutors.

The order calls on lawmakers to allow federal judges to carry a firearm; demands fewer obstacles for federal law enforcement officers to qualify for concealed carry under the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA); and commands the Attorney General to propose regulation allowing federal prosecutors to be deputized, upon request, as U.S. Marshals to carry a concealed weapon.

According to a White House press release, the order strives to protect federal officials who might face backlash from judicial decisions in the form of threats or intimidation.

“Because of the importance of their work, these public servants face unique risks to their safety and the safety of their families,” the order reads in part. “Moreover, judges, prosecutors, and law enforcement officers are symbols within our communities of law and order and may be targeted for that reason alone.”

While federal officers have long had the right to carry a concealed weapon, the executive order says, “the Federal Government can do more to cut the red tape that Federal law enforcement officers must navigate to exercise their right.”

Section 2 of the order demands the “removal” of “any undue obstacle preventing current or retired federal law enforcement officers from carrying a concealed firearm as allowed under the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004.”

Read the full executive order here.

NEXT: 5 ways LE leaders can streamline LEOSA policies