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Mich. police department to try out new 48-hour shift schedule

Officers will essentially live at the police station for two days and then have four days off


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By Suzie Ziegler

JONESVILLE, Mich. — The Jonesville Police Department is trying out a new shift schedule: 48 hours on, 96 hours off. The schedule is similar to what some fire and EMS agencies do and has been used with success at police agencies in Washington state, the Hillsdale Daily News reported.

Jonesville PD has since posted a job opening for two full-time officers that would adhere to the 48-hour shift, the report said. The officers would essentially “live” at the station for two days, then have four days of rest. While on duty, the officers would have access to certain amenities at the police station, including showers, beds, the kitchen and cable.

Kurt Etter, director of the Jonesville Department of Public Services, says the 48-hour shift schedule will give officers more time with their families.

“This model is being used in the (state of) Washington and is successful,” Etter told the Hillsdale Daily News. “The officer has built in downtime similar to the fire service. The flexibility this schedule gives allows a smaller department to compete with larger agencies for the same small group of applicants.”

Etter is referring to the City of Kittitas, Washington, which recently implemented a 48-hour shift schedule to great success. Police1 columnist Tim Dees interviewed Kittitas Police Chief Aaron Nelson about his unconventional shift schedule in March. Read that interview here.

In Jonesville, the city says the new shifts aim to focus on officer wellness and increased family time. The department currently has one officer per shift for a city of just over 2,000 residents, according to the report.