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Download PoliceOne’s Free 2016 Guide to Police Body-Worn Cameras

This free PDF will educate police how to stay atop the evolving policies, training and technology shaping law enforcement


This free PDF will educate police how to stay atop the evolving policies, training and technology shaping law enforcement

By Police1 Staff

Body-worn cameras are dominating headlines now more than ever, and police departments around the country are grappling with how best to manage the cost, policy changes and complex considerations that come with implementing a body-worn camera program. As more citizens, municipal leaders, and police understand the value of this technology, countless questions arise that must be answered before a body-worn camera program is put into place.

But without successful and comparable models to reference, where do leaders turn to find the answers to these imperative questions?

With this free guide from, we provide a guide to critical considerations during every stage of implementation, including:

  • Keys to deploying a successful body-worn camera (BWC) program
  • What officers need to know about the technology
  • How to educate the public about BWC capabilities and limitations
  • Critical legal considerations when launching a BWC program
  • Chiefs’ feedback on lessons learned during a BWC program implementation
  • Tech leaders on what’s next for the body camera industry

Download the guide