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Extreme Tactical Dynamics pays tribute to our First Responders

The Fall has long been a time of Remembrance in our United States. In just a few days it will have been 15 full years since that tragic day on 9/11 when hundreds of first responders died, along with the thousands of others killed by the attack. Now is the time to remember not only these heroes, but also the countless other police officers, firefighters, and paramedics who fell in the line of duty, both before and since 9/11.

During September and October, a great many events, both local and national, take place to commemorate first responders who died in the Line of Duty. On October 8 & 9, Fallen Firefighters are remembered in a special service known as Bells Across America. In November, of course, there’s Veterans’ Day on the 11th, the day that WWI ended. Through the years it has turned from a memorial for “The Great War” into the day our nation remembers all veterans who are still with us, as well as those who made the supreme sacrifice. Throughout the year there are also other days set aside to honor and to pay tribute to those who have served our Great Nation, but it’s in the Fall, when the leaves turn yellow, and Winter’s just around the corner, that many of us Pause to Remember.

Here at Extreme Tactical Dynamics “We serve those who serve us all.”, and we want to take this opportunity to formally recognize All First Responders: police officers, firefighters, EMTs and paramedics, search & rescue teams, and emergency management personnel, paid professionals or volunteers, for their continued dedication and service. September 11th 2015 is a big anniversary, and as the day approaches, we all find ourselves remembering where we were and how we felt as events unfolded. All these agencies and departments worked tirelessly together to save countless lives on that day, and on so many other tragic days before and since.

So...YES...once again at this time of year, we are reminded to say...'Thank you to All of our First Responders.’

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